2024 Psi Alpha Awards Overview and Deadlines
NOTICE: The application deadlines for the Outstanding Chapter Service Scholarship and the Outstanding Advisor Award has been extended to September 1, 2024 at 11:59 PST. Please submit your applications to directorofoperations@psialpha.org to be considered for these awards for the 2023-2024 school year!
The organization will offer scholarships for members and awards for advisors and chapters. Monies and donations allocated for scholarships are displayed for each award. The scholarship window will close July 1st, 2024 and judging will be completed by August 1, 2024.
Attach all documents as a PDF file
Subject line: Title of Award
Email to: directorofoperations@psialpha.org
Due: July 1st, 2024 11:59 PM PST
The Psi Alpha Outstanding Psychology Student Scholarship seeks to recognize one student annually who excels not only academically, but also possess leadership qualities in their chapter or outside in other ways. Applicants should exhibit leadership qualities, perform acts of service, and contribute to the growth of the psychology discipline throughout their chapter.
Award: $500 scholarship
- Submit a minimum 1000-word essay detailing academic successes, servitude, and other relevant information describing the applicant’s outstanding qualities. Essay should be in APA format.
- Submit one (1) letter of support from a teacher, employer, or other reference who can attest to the student’s abilities as a leader.
- Documents are a submitted as a PDF to directorofoperations@psialpha.org on or before the due date. Subject line: Outstanding Psychology Student Award
Deadline: July 1, 2024 at 11:59 PST
Psi Alpha seeks to award one chapter that has led a service learning project or campus activity that embodies the mission of Psi Alpha and promoted psychology locally. We ask that chapters provide a detailed essay describing a leadership event that showcased the chapter’s passion for psychology. Paper is to be submitted in APA format.
$250 check written to the Advisor for the chapter’s use and recognition on the Psi Alpha website.
Deadline: September 1, 2024 at 11:59 PST
- A cover letter with the following information:
- Advisor name(s)
- High School and/or Chapter name, and location
- Advisor Contact information (email, phone number, school contact information)
- Details about the servitude performed by the advisor and chapter from June 1, 2023- June 1, 2024. Submit documents as a PDF to directorofoperations@psialpha.org on or before the due date. Subject Line: Psi Alpha Chapter Service Scholarship
To receive this award, students or other members or advisors can nominate a current, active advisor. Nominators will describe the advisor’s ability to inspire students in gaining a deeper understanding of psychology through leading their Psi Alpha chapter. Nominators should submit a 500-word essay describing their advisor’s contribution to their chapter and/or the organization as a whole and how they are actively working to uphold the mission of Psi Alpha.
$100 check written to the Advisor for the chapter’s use and recognition on the Psi Alpha website
Deadline: September 1, 2024 at 11:59 PST
To apply:
Submit a document including the following information:
- Your name
- The name of the individual being nominated
- Your high school/ chapter name
- Your email and phone number
- Your Advisor’s email and phone number
- 500-word essay detailing how your chapter advisor upheld the mission of Psi Alpha and broadened their students’ understanding and application of psychology.
Please submit all materials to directorofoperations@psialpha.org with the title of the award in the subject line.